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ARES D1 offers “job” specific free training in Emergency Communications through Training and Information Nets conducted on VHF, UHF, HF and GMRS frequencies.


It also conducts training virtually through Zoom or other Internet-based platforms, as well as via Email, Newsletters, and in-person (following CDC Guidelines to avoid the transmission or reception of the COVID-19 virus or its variants).


The National Weather Service provides free basic and advanced training for our SKYWARN Severe Weather Spotters.


Additionally, more free training opportunities are offered, hosted and/or conducted by various governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations. The FEMA Emergency Management Institute, American Red Cross, American Radio Relay League (ARRL), and others offer training which ARES D1 members and affiliates may be interested in.


Training is just a start. Practice is what makes an ARES D1 member or affiliate good at what he/she does. Practice occurs in conjunction with the training sessions, and during Exercises, actual incidents, or special events. We try to make practice not only educational, but thought provoking, rewarding and fun, whenever possible.  


Exercises are designed to not only practice, but also demonstrate our capabilities and explore new and better ways of doing things, and experiment.


In-person operations-based exercises, such as Field Days (June and December), Simulated Emergency Test (September), Drills, Functional and Full-Scale Exercises (Periodic, year-round) offer multiple opportunities to continue learning and refine skills and knowledge to ensure ARES D1 personnel are efficient and effective when needed.

Training and Practice
Qualification and Certification

ARES D1 membership or affiliation does not require completion of a Position Task Book (PTB), or qualification at any of its Emergency Communicator Levels. Completion is voluntary


Completion of a PTB or qualification at any of its Emergency Communicator Levels is desirable and highly encouraged but is not a requirement for membership or participation.


Meeting the PTB qualification for any of the three primary levels ensures public safety, Hospital and other agencies and organizations being supported by ARES D1 that the training and ability of the individual ARES D1 member or affiliate is properly aligned with the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Incident Management System (NIMS) National Qualification System (NQS).


NQS is the standard established in accordance with the intent of Homeland Security Preparedness Directive 5 (HSPD-5).


PTB qualification and certification also builds trust among Emergency Communicators that messages between them will be professionally delivered in an accurate and timely manner.


That level of trust and preparedness can only come if ARES D1 personnel train, practice and work together in advance of being called upon to provide support in accordance with the ARES D1 Mission Statement.


Attaining PTB qualification and certification attests to a level of professionalism as an Emergency Communicator.


Meeting the qualifications set forth in the PTB also assures agencies and organizations receiving support from ARES D1 that its volunteers can properly interface with the agency and organizational staff, and the Incident Command System (ICS).


The current version of the ARES D1 PTB is downloadable from this website in the Reference section. 

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